02.-08.06.2024, IYMC Oświęcim/Auschwitz, Kraków
IYMC Auschwitz/Oświęcim,
Action Reconciliation for Peace/Germany
Judith Hoehne-Krawczyk, hoehne@mdsm.pl
Every year, Action Reconciliation for Peace proposes a study trip for volunteers as part of the international programme of volunteering in Germany. Volunteers come from different countries around Europe, among others also from Germany, USA and Israel. The seminar gives them an opportunity to have a discussion about Auschwitz and the Holocaust in the context of the different places and cultures they come from, and the discourses and narratives which dominate in their countries of origin.
The project is supported by the Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and IBB gGmbH.