We are in the town of Oświęcim to remind about Auschwitz. To convince, that we must learn from the past. We show that Oświęcim can be a place of meetings, reconciliation, and understanding. We are in the town of Oświęcim so that Auschwitz will not be repeated.

10th International Socio-Political Poster Biennale “Creative for Human Rights”


The jury of the 10th International Socio-Political Poster Biennale met at the International Youth Meeting Centre (IYMC) in Oświęcim, Poland, on the 21st of June 2024.


The members of the Jury:

1. Prof. Roman Kalarus, Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice – chairman

2. Joanna Klęczar-Déodat, director of the IYMC in Oświęcim

3. Krzysztof Dydo, Cracow Poster Gallery

4. Dr hab. Sebastian Kubica, University of Silesia in Katowice, the Faculty of Arts and Educational Science in Cieszyn

5. Ewa Natkaniec, poster artist, Cracow

6. Prof. Władysław Pluta, Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow

7. Leszek Szuster, IYMC in Oświęcim

8. Dr Paweł Warchoł, Curator of the Biennale, Oświęcim


207 artists from 24 countries (Belarus, Bulgaria, China, Cuba, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Malaysia, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Taiwan, Ukraine, USA) participated in the competition. From 481 posters sent to us by artists, 80 were qualified for the exhibition.


The jury awarded the following prizes:

1st Prize – Mayor of Oświęcim – City of Peace Prize – Tomasz Bogusławski (Poland) “Kadysz”

2nd Prize – Federal Republic of Germany Consul General's in Cracow Prize – Katarzyna Nachman (Poland) “Wolf”

3rd Prize – Starost of Oświęcim Prize – Magdalena Wosik (Poland) “Zapal… Daj odpocząć głowie”


City of Dachau Prize – Nicos Terzis (Greece) “Fear”

District of Dachau Prize – Marcelina Rydelek (Poland) “No Plastic Bags”

Prize of the Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice – Anna Chmielnik (Poland) “Whole”

Prof. Józef Hołard Prize funded by the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Educational Science in Cieszyn, University of Silesia in Katowice – Xuwei Zhang (China) “Table&Menu”

General Board of the Association of Polish Artists and Designers Prize – Marcelina Rydelek (Poland) “No Plastic Bags”

Prize of the Mayor of the Oświęcim Municipality – Daria Białas (Poland) “Loneliness”


Honourable Mention – Mirosław Adamczyk (Poland) “Brutus is Coming – “Crime and Punishment” for the Extermination of the Ukrainian Nation”

Honourable Mention – Grzegorz Myćka (Poland) “McBabel”

Honourable Mention – Michał Stachacz (Poland) “Mental Health”

Honourable Mention – Vladimir Tsesler (Belarus) “March of the Conformists”


Additional Prize:

The Future Fund of the Republic of Austria Prize - Katarzyna Nachman (Poland) “Wolf”


Posters qualified for the exhibition:

Agnieszka Adam (Poland) “The right to be visible”

Agnieszka Adam (Poland) “War-Life Balance”

Mirosław Adamczyk (Poland) “Woman Life Freedom”

Mirosław Adamczyk (Poland) “Friedrich Nietzsche. Re_ssentiment”

Edi Berk (Slovenia) “European Music! Let’s Dance?”

Andrzej Błażejczyk (Poland) “Pegasus”

Tomasz Bogusławski (Poland) “To nie zabawka!”

Goyen Chen (Taiwan) “# MeToo”

Goyen Chen (Taiwan) “Listen to peace”

Łukasz Chmielewski (Poland) “Human Rights”

Agnieszka Dajczak (Poland) “Tradition”

Lex Drewinski (Poland) “Mariupol”

Jochen Fiedler (Germany) “Ein Symbol wird verwandelt”

Mario Fuentes (Equador) “Torn Veil”

Marta Gębaczka (Poland) “Depresja”

Marta Gębaczka (Poland) “Wolność wyboru”

Erick Ginard (Cuba) “War Casualty”

Erick Ginard (Cuba) “Zero Waste”

Wesam Haddad (Jordan/USA) “Orange Forest”

Wesam Haddad (Jordan/USA) “Freedom Knot”

Khoi Khiet Ho (Malaysia) “Freedom of Speech”

Peipei Hao (China) “Compass”

Peter Javorik (Slovakia) “Stand with Ukraine”

Justyna Jędrysek (Poland) “Ordinary Meal”

Kacper Kaszuba (Poland) “Aftertaste”

Toshifumi Kawaguchi (Japan) “Overfishing”

Łukasz Kliś (Poland) “Act Like a Nature 1”

Damian Kłaczkiewicz (Poland) “Powtarzalność”

Aleksandra Kociszewska (Poland) “Czas”

Zuzanna Kowalska (Poland) “Klatka”

Chia Hsiang Lee (Taiwan) “Invisible wall”

Chia Hsiang Lee (Taiwan) “Hegemony”

Chia Hsiang Lee (Taiwan) “Speech killing-bruise”

Elżbieta Wittlin-Lipton (Poland/France/USA) “Dokąd”

Xian Liyun (China), Mirosław Zdrodowski (Poland) “ I’ m here, I always have been”

Patrycja Longawa (Poland) “Sugar”

Jianfei Lu (China) “The Power of Youth”

Szymon Łacheta (Poland) “Relationship”

Wiesław Łysakowski (Poland) “Nazizm – niezamknięta karta”

Marek Maciejczyk (Poland) “Black Friday”

Karolina Malczewska (Poland) “Women in Men’s World?”

Grzegorz Myćka (Poland) “Tank”

Grzegorz Myćka (Poland) “Tinder”

Katarzyna Nachman (Poland) “War”

Alireza Nosrati (Iran) “Fake News”

Alireza Nosrati (Iran) “War Refugees”

Marek Osman (Poland) “Industry”

Marek Osman (Poland) “Światłocień”

Anna Pałosz (Poland) “Clown”

Żaneta Rzepa (Poland) “Do you see the difference?”

Christopher Arturo Sanchez (Mexico) “Home”

Eugeniusz Skorwider (Poland) “Polskie grudnie”

Artur Skowrońśki (Poland) “Make Jazz not War”

Michał Stachacz (Poland) “World Peace”

Szymon Szymankiewicz (Poland) “You Win”

Junxin Tang (China) „Garbage Can”

Michał Tatarkiewicz (Poland) “Globalne ocieplenie”

Mateusz Taranowski (Poland) “Janusz Korczak. Król dzieci”

Monika Chrabąszcz-Tarkowska (Poland) “Two Years of War”

Jouri Toreev (Belarus) “Censorship”

Vladimir Tsesler (Belarus) “Free All Political Prisoners in Belarus”

Erin Wrighr (USA) “Woman, Life, Freedom”

Kai Xu (China) “Wither no more”

Fan Yu (China) “Symphony of Peace"

Wojciech Zatorski (Poland) “Pora”

Xuwei Zhang (China) “People in the Family”

Łukasz Zwolan (Poland) “Coexist”

Leszek Żebrowski (Poland) “Czyste niebo nad Ukrainą”


Fot. Krzysztof Janik



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